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2024 Musings
October 2024 The Politics of Awakening
August 2024 Please Tell Me I Am Worthy
2023 Musings
January 21, 2023 Revelation and Choice
January 21, 2023 The Practice For Liberating Fear
April 23, 2023 Giving Love a Chance
October 7, 2023 Embracing the Unknown
2022 Musings
September 9, 2022 The Truth About Liberation
September 16 2022 Self Image or Awake Self?
September 24, 2022 Disintegrating Ego
October 1, 2022 Choosing Love
October 8, 2022 Self Care
October 22, 2022 Sleep
November 19, 2022 Divine In All
November 24, 2022 Thanksgiving
December 2, 2022 Don't Look Down!
December 10, 2022 Movies
Energy Articles
The primary purpose of these articles is not so much to share interesting ideas, but to serve as a conduit for Energy. Allow for the possibility of transformation, healing and awakening occurring through the simple act of reading these articles. As you read, be aware of any changes of subtle energy within the body.
These are momentous times, and not only because of world events, but even more so due to the unprecedented frequency, potency and penetration of the Divine Energy coming through the planet now. This is challenging for us all, so let us be forgiving with one another and, above all, let us be kind and compassionate with ourselves!
Humanity has tried just about EVERYTHING to try and create that elusive happiness. Think about every type of rulership, government, social system, educational system, economy, technology, warfare and religion that has ever been created. What do they all have in common? Wasn’t it all an attempt to be happy and to create a better world?
The REAL transformation happening at this time is that humanity is moving beyond relying on just the limited egoic mind to conjure up yet another brilliant idea to save the world. We are on the verge of evolving to a new, much more expansive and Loving way of being. But releasing the old familiar ways can bring up feelings of fear, insecurity and sadness. This is natural. There may also be a tendency to blame others and world events for our unhappiness. This is also understandable, but there is no sense in adding to the blame and fear going on in the world. This is why it is especially important for us to be patient and gentle with ourselves at this time. That way, we can begin to let the Love in.
Surf's Up: Learning How to Ride this Divine Wave to a Higher Love
Optimizing Health and Boosting Immunity
Awareness: The Healer, Liberator and Ultimate Truth
An Extraordinary Chapter In the Epic Human Story
Liberation: Breaking Free of the Egoic Chains of Bondage
Ego: The Great Imposter
Beyond the Dualistic Veil of Feminine and Masculine
Humanity and Earth: A Love Affair of Awakening
Signs of Love and Freedom
Dying To Live: Waking Up to the Radiant Wholeness of Being
Psychic Attack: An Invitation to Unification
The Truth About Evil
Willingness: Opening to the Freshness of Love and Liberation
Copyright Notice: All files and information contained in this website are copyright by Mark Okita, and may not be duplicated, copied, modified or adapted in any way without written permission.
Other Articles
The Exhilaration of Being One With Nature
Once a young child is taught that the wild expanse of perpetually alive moving and flowing blue-green-white energy is “ocean,” the child never sees the ocean again. A veil has been created and that veil becomes thicker and more solidified through repeated use of language and thinking. The concept slowly but surely replaces that astonishing and indescribable flow of Energy with a deadened pseudo-reality. The ocean is lost forever . . . until there is Awakening – the return to Reality. No word is the Reality to which it points. The word and mental image of an “apple” is not an apple; “bird” is not a bird. And then there are words that do not correspond to anything real! Words like “crazy” or “bad” or “beautiful.” These are mental constructs. The sunset is not “beautiful.” Have we ever REALLY experienced the fullness of a sunset without any conceptual labels, mental commentary or distracting thoughts? If we did, we would be at One with Nature and we would become a pure and perfected expression of the Divine, just as all of Nature already is and has always been. a
Being In Love With Whatever We Are Feeling
I have often said that It is especially important to be gentle and compassionate with ourselves during challenging times. But what exactly does that mean? First of all, it means fully ACCEPTING and embracing whatever we are feeling. Notice how the tendency, the almost hard-wired programming, is to do exactly the opposite. The more uncomfortable the feeling, the more we have learned to judge it as bad, and the more likely we are to do everything in our power to CHANGE it. But this desire to change or get rid of emotions such as anxiety, anger, sadness, terror, rage and shame is a form of judgment, which further moves us away from LOVE which is what we really want.
Another way that we try to gain control over such feelings is to tell endless stories about it — justifying our position, thinking about who is at fault, who is right and who is wrong, what really happened, and endless scenarios about what might happen and what can be done about it. All these stories actually FEED the emotion. And the charged up emotion triggers more stories. This is the unholy alliance between stories and emotions that will bring us into an internal firestorm of emotion. And good never comes from acting out of disturbing emotions.
Instead, simply LOVE whatever we are feeling. When I say Love, I simply mean to allow it to be just as it is; to appreciate it as a natural occurrence without judgement and without story. Just BE with it. Give it space and gentle attention. The mind, the ego, won’t like this because it ends the drama of good and bad. But, it also ends suffering.
The beautiful thing about this is that this is how we learn to Love ourselves UNCONDITIONALLY. It is so simple — seemingly too simple, but the more we do it, the more the true power of Love reveals itself. Love truly is the most powerful Force in the Universe and this is a wonderful way of experiencing that directly!
The Greatest Adventure of All
It may not seem like it but getting to where we are now is a true cause for celebration. Through making it this far, we have evolved so much more than we can even imagine or be aware of on a human level, because on a Soul or evolutionary level, we are on one of the greatest adventures of all time, an adventure of realizing unprecedented degrees of Freedom, Joy and an ascendancy into a new dimension.
This new dimension is the awakening of our True Self, Buddha Nature, Christ Consciousness and Loving Essence which is Infinite. Infinite Love does not need our ideas and judgments about it. It does not need to be defined, defended, promoted and affirmed. Life does not need our conditions and requirements. Think of Divine Energy (evolutionary Intelligence and Power) as a inconceivably vast River flowing as a smooth and unstoppable movement of Pure Radiant Life. The inner conditions we place on Life are like boulders in the River. Outdated structures from the past act as debris in the water. When there are a lot of obstructions, the fluid flow of the River becomes agitated and turbulent like rapids. It may seem chaotic, but it is actually the activity of Universal Love and Power removing that which is in the way of the free flow of Life.
Extraordinary challenges, such as losses in health, relationships and resources have a potential to facilitate extraordinary breakthroughs. The greater the challenge to the ego, the greater the potential for Liberation. Catastrophic events often help us transcend our fixed ideas of what we can endure, what we need to be okay, what is possible and what is truly important. There is a higher purpose to everything we experience. Loss and hardship can ultimately be some of the most potent catalysts for awakening because they encourage us to let go of our inner conditions and limiting beliefs.
The unprecedented blessing of this time is that this dissolving of limitations is happening DIRECTLY and energetically through a Divine Intelligence. In other words, while in the past it might have taken many years or lifetimes of painful and devastating outer events to get us to let go of our conditioning, this is happening directly through Divine evolutionary forces. No longer do we have to get pummeled by life events to finally surrender. Rather, all that is required now in order to have our inner limitations dissolved is to open to Divine Life Energy. While infinitely more efficient and graceful, this is not as easy as it may sound. Imagine waking up one morning and there is an indescribable but disturbing sense that we are somehow not the same; that the familiar “me” is a little less there with nothing outward to point to as the cause.
Having difficulty waking up in the morning may be due to this same phenomenon. Feelings of grogginess, brain fog, wanting to get an extra hour or two of sleep and especially having a challenging time reorienting ourselves to the world in the morning all could be side effects of the Divine doing some very profound work in our sleep. During the day, there could be palpable feelings of energy pulling our attention elsewhere. This could be Divine Energy pulling our attention away from its fixation on the world so that Divinely inspired work can occur on deeper levels.
When we are free of inner limitations and fixed positions, Creativity can flow with its full potency and brilliance. We become connected to the source of innovation, ingenuity, resourcefulness and even genius, which is now in service of a Higher Love. We are in the zone, and we are at optimal health, endurance, strength and functioning. We have within us the fount of joy, vital energy and exuberance as well as a Love for one another and all that is. When we connect with this Divine Energy flowing within, we realize that it is flowing beneath and beyond all of our life experiences and we receive the highest blessings possible. We are on our way to Awakening in the most Loving and uniquely individualized way. This is the greatest adventure of all . . .
Energy-Letter created at the beginning of COVID-19
Special Corona Edition